Back in 2000, after getting my masters and while I was thinking that music was my next path, I happened upon an audition call for a group named The Gregorian Singers. Thus started my education in Anglican church music, past and present.
The first thing everyone says when they hear the name of the group is "Oh, I _love_ Gregorian Chant!" Which is, I suppose, reasonable. But the repertoire of the group is so much more than chant. Ancient music in many forms, English church music from the medieval through today, German works of the Reformation, music of Latin America, even stupid little pieces like Little Potato are among the vast array of music I have been exposed to singing with this group. Monte, the founder and director, brings his vast knowledge and whimsical nature to bear and programs music that many people don't even know exists much less perform. An accomplished composer in his own right, he knows how to pair modern music with ancient in a way that plays to the strengths of both.
I ended up singing with "The Gregs" for 8 seasons, which is longer than I've sung with any other group save one. Monte is still a dear friend and I have darkened the pews on occasion when he has need of a ringer or two. Go hear them if you get the chance.
Gods above we had fun in that group. I don't remember exactly what year that picture up there was taken but it was a photo shoot after the group had moved into SPOTH. The photographer just wanted us to pile in so she could start taking pictures. And this is what happened, without any prompting or staging -- henceforth known as the Adams Family Portrait and, apparently, I'm Gomez. lol This kind of spontaneous weirdness is something I miss about those people and that group.
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