So, then. Here we are.
Today's the day.
20 years ago this morning, I took up residence in a state so very different from the one where I grew up, but where it was immediately clear that I belonged.
I've wondered many times about the seeming ease with which I acclimated to MN. This state is amazing and wonderful, but it has a deserved reputation for being chilly (yuck yuck) to transplants. It's a hard place to break in to if you don't have some support network to take advantage of. How lucky then, that I landed when and where I did. I had friends and colleagues in grad school, the Oak Grove Hotel was full of people and dogs living in community, the choir at Westminster gave me an anchor, softball gave me a family. These chance meetings and preexisting communities welcomed me. They gave me roots as well as a jumping off point for my future here. My luck runneth over.
Twenty years is a long time. Not quite half of my life. About three-and-a-half years from today, I'll reach the tipping point where I will have lived in MN for more than more than half of my time on-planet. I hope and expect to have written new chapters of memories here by then and that they will include times with many of you. And MN Mondays will probably continue to be an occasional series (no, Mark, no weekly) as a way of not just looking back but looking forward. Who knows what's next?
On that note, and on this most liminal of days, new change has rolled across our threshold. Meet Sully. He was one of the dogs we met last weekend in Hastings at the rescue. His foster dropped him off last night and today of all days is his first with us. The universe does have a sense of humor, huh. :) We'll all be adjusting to each other for a while. He's so different from any of our previous kids and there's no one around to interpret us to him. So we have to learn how to communicate from scratch. But he's a very good boy and you can look forward to more pics and vids of him to be sure.
With that, I'll leave you with the words of the great MN band Semisonic, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
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